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Archaeological Surveys

Geophysical surveys are an invaluable tool in archaeological studies. Archaeological structures such as tumuli, tombs, trenches, pits, old empty rooms, remains of settlements, etc. SAGTech Geophysics team uses geophysical methods effectively to detect structures in archaeological sites.

Geophysics also plays an important role in the detection of human remains and other buried objects as part of forensic investigations, especially hidden, unmarked graves.

Application Areas

  • Detection of metal objects
  • Geophysical maps of historical buildings (walls, foundations)
  • Detection of trenches and pits
  • Detection of man-made voids (rooms, burials)
  • Detection of soil variations (moisture/rust/ salinity)


  • Magnetic Gradiometry
  • Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
  • Electrical Resistance
  • Electromagnetic Mapping (EM)
  • Microgravity
Archaeogeophysics ERT Survey
Archaeogeophysics GPR Survey